Batuhan Koyuncu
Batuhan Koyuncu

ELLIS PhD Student

Saarland University

About Me

I am interested in building interpretable and explainable deep generative models, and their applications in psychiatry and healthcare. I am an ELLIS PhD student. My main supervisor is Isabel Valera at Saarland University. I am co-advised by Ole Winther.

Email: batukoyuncu [at]

Download CV
  • MSc Computer Science

    Boğaziçi University

  • BSc Physics

    Boğaziçi University

Recent Publications
(2024). E-ProTran: Efficient Probabilistic Transformers for Forecasting. In Workshop on Structured Probabilistic Inference & Generative Modeling. ICML'24.
(2024). From Laboratory to Everyday Life: Personalized Stress Prediction via Smartwatches. In Machine Learning for Life and Material Science, ML4LMS Workshop. ICML'24.
(2023). Variational Mixture of HyperGenerators for Learning Distributions Over Functions. In ICML.
(2023). Label-Free Identification of Exosomes using Raman Spectroscopy and Machine Learning. In Small.
(2022). Chemotherapy Response Prediction with Diffuser Elapser Network. In Scientific Reports.